Apr 18, 2008


Imagine Mohamed were sinless; or Jesus, either one--
        Epitomes of virtue, no ill will in either one:

They buy fish at the market; venison, veal; either one
        passes coin greased with sweat and blood; either one

passes men who have raped and murdered; either one
        looks at a woman neither beautiful nor pure; either one

looks at a woman and sees beauty, purity; either one
        stands in a doorway when the hard rains come; either one

stands aside to avoid the joyous sway of children; either one
        tells a joke after which there is no laughter; either one

tells stories they do not believe fully; either one
        drinks water and worries the ferocity of stars; either one

drinks wine and wishes more for himself in silence. Either one
        has done nothing but good, or one is neither.