orange fishblood dime
the moon over fields of porcelain
as five deer step by turn to trees and trees
match night in holds of air clean as time
of steam and ash and the give
of grass beneath weight darker yet.
orange bottlecap moss
the moon no eye but stopwatch innumerate
and stopper of colder winds perhaps
than what sky stings throat and numbs the hand
encumbered by plastic bag bountied
with coke and egg and cigarette.
orange lake appall
the moon fat in its cave of carbon
facets of stars triangulating some entrance
as yet unseen somewhere beyond whatever
winterbird just screamed
in notes pure and piercing and fulsome.
orange dreamcatcher wax
the moon in its thankless marriage
so divorced from the tumult that is now
still shadow of itself as each exhale
lasts infinitesimally
longer than its requisite lover.
orange respite troth
I've betrayed
our love, I've betrayed
that bond to walk
this night as the snow
like stars
falls, to find
the earth's white sheet
than the cautious curiosity
of rabbit,
a dark guaiac pool watched
for an hour cross
three frontyards, perhaps
cold, perhaps
starved, yet intent
as any seraph
come as talon, as jaw.